A moment to think….

A fellow author recently mused on Facebook that she was considering going ‘off the net’ completely – for one month…. and that she was a little anxious about it.

In this day of instant communication, a month seems like a very long time to be out of contact. What could happen while you’re not paying attention? Will you miss out on something? THE big thing?

In college, I remember friends who would come unglued if they missed a day of their favorite soap opera. Really? I mean you can watch some of those once a month and not miss anything. But they needed to be plugged in and keep up.

…And then I spent three days ‘off the net.’ Not planned… it just sort of happened that way. I wasn’t anxious about it at all.

In fact, I realized I was much less anxious when I wasn’t try to check 4 email accounts, a website, my personal Facebook page and two Facebook business pages I manage, and keep up with a number of blogs I follow (not to mention the frequent wanderings-off to related posts and articles along the way). I found that I had more time to just think, muse, ponder.

And then I remembered:  this is what summer is for (at least in my mind).

A time to unwind, unplug, de-stress (and boy do I need that!). Stop and smell the roses, recharge, rejuvenate, get energized about things that really matter. Breathe. Relax.

So while I probably won’t be taking a month off any time soon, I have resolved to find at least a little time for “summering” every day, and lots more every chance I get.

I wish you all a Happy Summer!


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